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StacyLash, an eyelash extension company catering to both B2B and B2C clients, enlisted our assistance for their migration from ModX to Shopify, maintaining the site’s SEO position was a pivotal aspect of this process. Then our objectives included developing an adaptive design for the new store and selecting applications that would fulfill essential functionalities while adhering to budget constraints

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Migration from ModX to Shopify

Transitioning the B2B and B2C store from ModX to Shopify presented a complex challenge for StacyLash. To streamline and expedite the migration process, we developed a custom application designed to facilitate the seamless transfer of products and users, while also synchronizing data from Klaviyo with Shopify. This meticulous strategy ensured that all customer and product data remained intact and easily accessible following the migration, significantly reducing potential disruptions and enhancing the overall efficiency of the transition

Preserving SEO

Maintaining SEO rankings throughout the migration process was crucial to prevent any disruption to search visibility. By implementing best practices, we meticulously migrated all SEO elements to ensure the same high level of content quality on the new Shopify site. This strategy supported ongoing organic growth in website traffic and customer acquisition, preserving and enhancing the site's online presence during and after the transition

Tailored responsive design for B2B and B2C clientele

To meet StacyLash's need for a new responsive design suitable for both B2B and B2C clients, we kicked off with an exhaustive requirements analysis. This involved delving into crucial aspects such as brand identity and essential technical specifications vital to the business. Armed with these insights, we set out to create a visually captivating storefront meticulously tailored to provide a personalized experience for each customer segment. Concurrently, we began the process of selecting the requisite tools to underpin and enhance this endeavor

Optimizing functionality with interoperable apps

StacyLash needed to select and integrate the right set of applications to enhance functionality while adhering to budgetary constraints. Collaboratively, we identified the necessary requirements for these applications. After a thorough analysis of suitable tools, we curated a set of cost-effective and interoperable apps, including Klaviyo, Calcurate, Yotpo, and Slide Cart. These apps streamlined operations, boosted customer satisfaction and offered customized solutions for both B2B and B2C customers

Goals and problems of the customer

The results we succeed



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